National Cancer Institute

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Fiscal Year Learn more FY 2018
Topic of Research
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NCI-designated cancer organ sites, such as Breast or Liver, or related cancers, such as Hodgkins Lymphoma, are reporting categories for NCI research projects.

Research Topic Learn more

Major scientific disciplines that are of stated or growing interest to the public and to the research community

Research Type Learn more

An NCI coding system used to describe research projects.

Research Emphasis

The NCI Cancer Activity is a categorization of a cancer specialty used to identify the major cancer emphasis of a grant.

Researcher and Institution
Principal Investigator

Select the first letter of the principal investigator's last name (e.g. for Mary Smith, select S).

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Research Institution

Select the first letter of the institution's full name (e.g. for the University of Arizona, select U).

Select first letter of institution name
Research Institution Location

The awarded instutition's state or province.

  • United States and U.S. Territories
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Research Institution Country

The awarded instutition's country.

Research Institution Congressional District

The awarded instutition's congressional district.

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Separate each keyword with a space. You may use the conditional terms and and or.

Project and Funding
NIH Funding Mechanism

A code used by NIH to identify the subcategory of an extramural or intramural activity. Also referred to as an "activity code" (e.g. R01)

Project Type

Options: grant, contract, intramural, intramural support, and extramural support

NCI Division Learn more

The NCI Division that manages the programmatic aspects of the project.

Enter the program director's full name (e.g. Malcolm Smith) or a partial name using wildcards (eg. Smi*).

Grant or contract number (e.g. CA098413). Punctuation is ignored. To search for large batches of valid project numbers, use the batch search form.

Grant application ID (e.g. 7692495). Enter multiple IDs seperated by a semicolon (e.g. 7692495;6465237). To search for large batches of valid ApplIDs, use the batch search form.

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National Cancer Institute

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FY 2018
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